Our Vision & Backstory

Our Vision is to use the Power of Words to inspire and move others to choose to make wise choices in all that they say and do for the love and eternal good of all mankind.

We should all feel good about who we are and our relationships with others. We should also encourage and inspire others to feel the same way and to live a spiritually wholesome and good life. This is what my mother always enjoys doing. When I was a child, she experienced great pleasure in writing little notes on pieces of crushed paper and putting them in my lunchbox. She delighted in every opportunity to write just a few kind words in a simple blank card to uplift others. More than ten years ago, she started writing down lists of simple phrases that she believed, if shared, would uplift the mind, body, spirit, and soul. She believed that all people were capable of saying or doing “some little good” that would be “passed on” and travel around the world. It is against this little backstory that Sound Choices, LLC was created. 

In the months to come, we will showcase and produce new Collections by various Sound Choices team contributors. Be sure to follow us and check back again soon!

 A New Worldwide Movement 
Included in our Spiritual and Motivational Collections will be my mother’s words. We hope that our current and future Collections will make you and others feel good and move us all to help or do “some little good” for somebody. In this way, together, we will choose to make sound and wise word choices to create a new worldwide movement

Thank you for choosing Sound Choices, LLC,

Daniel W. Bowden, Sr.